
Welcome to the crevices of my mind.

This is a blog… obviously. Now before you go scurrying around, being a busy body trying to see into the depths of my unconscious, I am going to stop you right here. This blog isn’t for you… it’s for me… the writer.

This blog is an attempt to formulate my thoughts and understanding of the world around me. As I strive to culminate my own personal development and the articulation of speech, this blog is a pedagogy, my pedagogy. So if you’re name is not Writer, you can kindly take the egoistic denizens of your mind, and f*ck off… or not, I don’t really care.

Though if you do decide to stay, you will find the works of an aficionado in almost every category of interest. Aside from history (I’m still working on that). Hopefully, what will become more apparent is the transition of teaching methodologies and succinct explanations. My aim is to be able to learn how to become a better story teller, and to learn how to transfer highly articulated wisdom that no one will understand. Basically I want to improve my vocab.

So without further ado, welcome to the worst blog of all time!